Central Warwickshire

How we stay professional

At Onside Coaching we want to inspire the next generation by giving them the confidence to participate in every and any sports by providing them with high quality coaching in a fun and supportive environment. We pride ourselves on our professionalism. To maintain our high standards our staff must meet and maintain these levels, to help we have various checkpoints which need to be met, these are;

All our staff are DBS checked.

At Onside the safety and protection of children is a our highest priority. All staff are safeguarding trained and must be DBS checked before they can go and coach in schools. This allows us to keep children safe and give them the platform to get the best out of themselves and the opportunities given to them. To ensure our staff are fully equipped to deal with safeguarding needs we have training with Adrian Over and have completed all the mandatory courses on SSS CPD. Additionally, DBS checks help to create a safer environment for children by providing peace of mind to parents, guardians, and the wider community.

All staff paediatric First Aid trained.

Every year we have an in-depth training session with Nigel Morgan from Ashworth Health. Paediatric first aid training gives our staff the confidence and ability to respond in emergency situations involving children. As sports coaches we understand that children are vulnerable to various accidents and illnesses, and their unique physiological and developmental needs require specialized care. Having the ability to administer immediate first aid can make a critical difference in saving a child's life or minimizing the severity of an injury. By understanding how to assess and respond to common paediatric emergencies such as choking, burns, allergic reactions, and seizures, our staff can provide prompt and appropriate care until professional medical help arrives. Moreover, paediatric first aid training promotes a safe environment for children by educating our staff on potential hazards, preventative measures, and proactive safety practices.

All staff on contracts, PAYE scheme, pensions.

All our staff are given contracted hours which differs from other coaching companies. This gives our coaches piece of mind knowing they have a stable and consistent income, allowing them to perform at their highest whilst teaching. In addition, all staff are part of PAYE scheme (pay as you earn) which means they do not have to worry about their tax return as it is already completed by us. We also provide a pension which our staff can chose if they want to pay into. These professional practises allow our staff to be as professional as they can be.

To maintain our high standards we have weekly meetings with staff to make sure we are all meeting the expectations and professionalism required. If you are thinking about getting into teaching then Onside can provide the perfect route to start your career. If you would like to know more about how we can help, please click the link here.

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